INTJ : Mastermind, Architect, Strategist.

It can be lonely at the top. Being one of the rarest personality types and being among the most capable people, Architects know this all too well. They make up just two percent of the population, and women with this personality type are especially rare, forming only 0.8%. It can be difficult for Architects to find people who can keep up with their non-stop analysis of things. People with this personality type are imaginative yet decisive... ambitious yet like their privacy... curious about everything but remain focused.


What are some differences between an INTJ with a high EQ vs an INTJ with a low EQ? 

INTJs with high EQ and low EQ all look incredibly similar on the surface when dealing with emotionally driven problems, because their resultant actions towards many situations may seem the same in both decision and nature, but incredibly different in reasoning altogether.

High EQ INTJs are introspective; High EQ INTJs always take time off to look in the mirror, assess strengths, weaknesses, past events, ways to improve, and even how to do things better than it already is. Years of introspecting results in self-esteem, self-sustenance, empathy, and a whole lot of other traits the INTJ lable says they can't supposedly do.

High EQ INTJs consider sensitivity; it doesn't seem obvious because on the surface, both may end up dismissing the feelings of others, but in reality, the high EQ INTJ has already introspected about it, and findings dictate them to leave the situation alone. Low EQ INTJs are ignorant or oblivious of it altogether and don't even bother looking into the situation.

High EQ INTJs are not dismissive until a conclusion; INTJs seem all too dismissive overall when it comes to another's emotions. However, High EQ INTJs are always keen to assess a situation and know when to dismiss irrational behavior, whereas Low EQ INTJs just ignore another's emotional behavior altogether. (Also, a High EQ INTJ is nothing like an INFJ; INFJs will make an attempt to deal with the irrational person no matter how difficult but a High EQ INTJ firmly believes it's up to the person to deal with their own problems.)

High EQ INTJs are receptive; They'll always listen in no matter how silly something seems and won't always make an attempt to rationalize things, especially with dealing one's emotions. INTJs are generally good listeners, but the one with a high EQ won't be exclusive to just problem-solving and linear logic alone. Low EQ INTJs don't make any attempt because they simply can't understand and shut off altogether.

High EQ INTJs are incredibly stable; INTJs are often seen as disassociated with their feelings. The truth is; High EQ INTJs are deeply introspective and are able to separate their heart and their mind, so they're able to use either in any given situation in the most effective manner. Low EQ INTJs don't understand their feelings, deeming them irrational and shutting them off completely, believing that emotions lead to irrationality.

High EQ INTJs are confident, Low EQ INTJs are arrogant; High EQ INTJs know the difference, and they're also fully aware of how to manage their thoughts, feelings, judgments, and self-image. This is due to years of self-reflection and dedication to bettering one's own understanding of their self. Low EQ INTJs compare themselves with others to give them a good gauge of where they stand, verifying they're simply better than others. When comparing — one looks in the mirror, the other looks at others. Do not mistake the two.

High EQ INTJs know when to exit; High INTJs know when to give up and when not to pursue something any further, whether it's someone or something, or even their own goals. They're the greatest at calculated risks and use their intuition to drive their judgment. Low EQ INTJs don't know these aforementioned things and are either too quick or too stubborn to cut losses.

High EQ INTJs are deeply, but realistically compassionate; INTJs care about a lot, deep down inside, but a High EQ INTJ knows when to push their compassion without over-committing or under-giving. This is because they're very well aware of boundaries and knows what is healthy and what isn't. They're excellent managers of regulating emotions, personal relationships, and exchange. A Low EQ INTJ knows nothing, often getting heartbroken or under-delivering, coming off as hypersensitive or insensitive.

High EQ INTJs always know what they want; Low EQ INTJs may also have a plan, but anything beyond that goal is a large vacuum. Low EQ INTJs are objectively clueless whereas High EQ INTJs always have a good idea of what to have and what to work for. Because of their flexibility, they're able to also look at current needs, wants, desires, cravings and all-perfect control of their work-reward system. High EQ INTJs are always content and satisfied with what they have, because they know they've earned their keep, no matter how big or small.

High EQ INTJs are the perfect balance of openness and privacy; This is a purely INxJ problem — INxJs often get stabbed while being too open and shut out too much when being too private. Either or results in a very unhealthy mental and emotional life. High EQ INTJs know how to balance exclusivity which allows them not to come off too intimidating, while keeping an arm's distance to prevent getting slashed. They're also open and receptive to socializing and know how to cut off when necessary.

High EQ INTJs have a very strong Fight-Flight sense (in terms of socializing); High EQ INTJs aren't always anticipating when to run or when to attack, but are always prepared, ready, and able. They're instinctual agility is incredible, allowing them to lower their guard and suspicion of others, but are quick enough to switch. Their survivability instincts keeps them relaxed and calm because they know that they'll be fine when the situation changes as moment's notice. Low EQ INTJs are constantly on-guard, anticipative, and suspicious of others, explaining why most are anti-social or sociopathic.

High EQ INTJs are always calm; They're always serene, even in the most intense situations. When in a deep state of panic and fear, they're able to separate themselves from their heart and can still keep a clear mind. It's not because they're fearless or courageous — they are fully aware of their cognition and are able to disconnect when necessary. Low EQ INTJs will always stick to rationality until it fails — only cracking under pressure and crumbling. High EQ INTJs detach if it means keeping their self-control in a process of elimination. Low EQ INTJs are like diamond; They're the hardest, yet most brittle of structures.

High EQ INTJs are harder to identify than low EQ INTJs; Nobody often knows what a High EQ INTJ looks or acts like. In fact, it's because of their high EQ that masks their INTJ persona altogether. They're somewhat easy to know and talk to on surface because of approachability, yet still incredibly private and mysterious (see; #4, #10, #11), where identifying their MBTI on astute observation alone doesn't cut. They may often be seen as ENTJs but in reality, isn't because they perceive, then judge (where an ENTJ judges, then perceives). Low EQ INTJs act more like your stereotypical, book INTJ which gives us the typical INTJ label as seen today.